Loading Drill data (on top of the Gerber data)
- First load the Gerber data file from one of the layers of
the board File load [F3] or
- drag & drop the file into the Viewplot icon.
- Next load the Excellon Drill data file File load or
- when the data is correct it will be recognized as Drill
file type, press OK to continue.
- Note: The data file can be viewed by the option View
- The Load drill file window will pop-up
- The drill format can be set here. In the header of the window
there is a preview from the file.
- The Number format and units can be set here.
- When you unsure about the file format the Hint by program
function can be used to find the possible format.
- Press OK to continue.
- When no Tools loaded yet, a message window will pop-up with the
note that the tools not exist.
- Ignore these message and Press OK to continue.
- The Drill file is now loaded an can be seen in relation with the
Gerber file that should correspond with these.
- In this example it is very clear that the file format wasn't
correct from the Drill data. (Drill in yellow)
- To reload the Drill data the current drill data has to be
deleted first
- Go to the drill layer and select everything by: Select all
and Delete.
- Now the previous drill data is gone the data can be loaded as
before with a different format.
- The new data with the new format settings looks much better
(format changed to 3 2)
- But all the drills have the same size because of the fact we
didn't load the Tools yet. (default 1mm)
- Load the Tool file with Load files or F3 as above
and OK
- This will pop-up the Load drill Tools window
- Here we can define which part of the file should be read in
and in which order
- The info lines in the header from the file can be skipped from
reading by setting the amount of lines
- under Info Lines
- Then the column for the Tool number and Diameter
can set as the Units
- press the Read drill tools button to continue.
- After filling in the right settings from the drill tools the
- A message window will pop-up to inform about the amount of
drills that have been found in the file.
- If there was a Tools file loaded before a message will pop-up
to ask if the drill layers can be reloaded.
- The reloaded drill data is now correct.
- Note:
- The drill tool file can be Reloaded without deleting the
previous one in the design and the drill file is
- reloaded automatically.
- Tool file and drill file can be loaded in one action as well.